Recent Storm Damage Posts

Preparing for the Storm: Essential Tips from SERVPRO® for a Safe June

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

lighting storms Plan to Stay Safe

Introduction: As June rolls around, so does the potential for severe storms. The beauty of summer can quickly turn ominous as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena brew on the horizon. For homeowners and businesses alike, it's crucial to be prepared. That's why SERVPRO® is here with essential storm prevention tips to help you weather the storm safely and minimize potential damage.

1. Stay Informed: Knowledge is power when it comes to storm preparedness. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and stay informed about any storm warnings or watches in your area. Sign up for alerts from local authorities and weather services to ensure you receive timely updates. Knowing when a storm is coming allows you to take proactive steps to protect your property and loved ones.

2. Secure Outdoor Items: Before a storm hits, take the time to secure outdoor furniture, lawn decorations, and any other loose items that could become projectiles in high winds. Store these items in a garage or shed if possible, or use heavy-duty tie-downs to anchor them securely. By preventing these objects from being tossed around, you can minimize the risk of damage to your home and surrounding property.

3. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Overhanging branches and weak limbs pose a significant threat during storms, especially when heavy winds are involved. Trim trees and shrubs around your property to remove any dead or weak branches that could break off and cause damage. Pay particular attention to trees near your home or power lines, as falling branches can lead to costly repairs and dangerous situations.

4. Check Your Gutters and Drains: Clogged gutters and drains can exacerbate flooding during heavy rainfall, potentially causing water damage to your property. Before the storm season ramps up, inspect your gutters and downspouts for any debris buildup and clear them out as needed. Ensure that water can flow freely away from your home to reduce the risk of water infiltration and basement flooding.

5. Create a Emergency Preparedness Kit: Prepare an emergency kit containing essential supplies such as non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and important documents. Store this kit in a readily accessible location so you can grab it quickly in the event of a storm-related emergency. Having these supplies on hand will help you stay safe and comfortable until the storm passes or help arrives.

6. Reinforce Doors and Windows: Strong winds and flying debris can pose a threat to the structural integrity of your home. Consider reinforcing your doors and windows with storm shutters, impact-resistant glass, or plywood to provide an extra layer of protection. Additionally, ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked to prevent them from being forced open by strong winds.

7. Have a Plan in Place: Lastly, have a comprehensive emergency plan in place for your family or business. This plan should include evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and communication strategies. Practice your emergency plan regularly so that everyone knows what to do and where to go in the event of a storm. Being prepared and organized can make all the difference when seconds count.

Conclusion: As June brings warmer temperatures and longer days, it also brings the potential for severe storms. By following these storm prevention tips from SERVPRO®, you can help protect your property and loved ones from harm. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe this storm season.

SERVPRO Team Benfante


Failed sump pump leads to ground water loss.

6/5/2023 (Permalink)

After a failed sump pump, water will try to make its way into the home any way that it can. Many times it will come through many different areas of the basement bringing in dirt or other contaminants. Whether it be from a backed up sump pit or through cracks in the foundation water will follow the path of least resistance and find it's way inside.

In this instance, after the extraction of water, a film of dirt covered the floor and required extra cleaning in order to get things back to normal.

After a pressure wash and drying equipment, we were able to get this unfinished basement clean and dry.

Don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville at (952)846-4400 for all of your storm related needs.

SERVPRO- Floods can happen, even in Minnesota.

12/22/2021 (Permalink)

Flood Damage Can Happen In The Lakeville Area

Removing standing water is only the beginning to try and protect a home after a failed appliance, broken pipe or a rusted-out water heater. Just a half-inch of water across a room can result in thousands of dollars in restoration costs. It is necessary to draw out the moisture which has penetrated the building materials.

Eliminating the effects of flood damage in a Lakeville home requires many tools and techniques. SERVPRO’s technicians are trained to use them to draw out moisture from the walls and ceilings of a home.

Adjusting airflow is one of the techniques we use. The primary tool paired with airflow is the air mover. To force air in and moisture out of a wall, a technician points the air mover at a 45-degree angle to the affected surface. This angle pushes air over the wall, carrying away moisture without letting the air bounce back, which is much less efficient.

If our SERVPRO technicians find water trapped behind a wall, we pair an air mover with a ventilation hose to increase ventilation. Depending on the amount of water, it may be necessary to drill several holes in the wall. We do this at the baseboard, so when we finish, it is a simple matter to patch the hole and then replace the baseboard so the homeowner cannot tell where we drilled.

To dry ceilings, we set an air mover against a wall and point it upward. The airflow strikes the ceiling and spreads out, which circulates the warm air that naturally rises and draws out moisture. In rooms with a drop ceiling (a converted garage for instance), technicians remove several panels at opposite ends to increase airflow.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Drying your home after water has spread across it is not a quick process, but SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville has the tools and knowledge to make it a simple one that we walk you through at each step. If you have had failed plumbing recently or in the past, contact us today at (952) 846-4400 for an inspection and free estimate. We are here to help.

Egress window leak

12/17/2021 (Permalink)

Many times when we get a call to a storm loss, we find that the point of entry was through an egress window. The problems we encounter with the window are usually related to a drainage issue due to a clog in the drain tile or the window wasn't properly installed. In older homes it might be a slow leak that has accumulated over time. Mold will start to develop underneath the drywall or wood sill. Cracks will often form around the window due to moisture expanding the building materials.

This particular window had a slow leak. There was quite a bit of mold underneath the drywall, so it needed to be cut out, dried and replaced.

If you think your egress window has a leak, please don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville at (952) 846-4400

Securing Restoration Services after Flood Damages to your home

12/17/2021 (Permalink)

Among the most pressing of natural disasters that could affect your home, flood damages in Farmington rank highly on the list. More than their devastating power and widespread potential damages, flooding can occur from inside of your home as well as from external sources. Preventing this occurrence from happening is not always possible, but what is possible, is securing the right restoration team like SERVPRO to help you overcome the damages that result.

Our technicians work to respond quickly to every emergency so that your home does not suffer worse conditions than are already present. In instances of flooding throughout the community, ensure that you are reaching out to our team as quickly as possible to secure our services. Other homes and commercial properties are also going to seek out professional assistance, and though we strive to respond quickly to all potential clients, a faster reaction time can assure a prompt response from our emergency team.

Flooding is something that no homeowner is ever fully prepared to face. With the widespread damages that often result, you need a team of professionals that can assess the situation quickly and get to work on preserving your home and starting the restoration process as soon as possible. You can count on our SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville restoration technicians to do just that. Give our emergency response team a call 24/7 at (952) 846-4400

The Risk of Lingering Moisture After Flooding In Your Farmington Home

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

Hidden Dampness Post Storms Can Result in Significant Water Damage

Harsh winters can take their toll on the structural integrity of Farmington homes. Most often, homeowners do not even realize the full extent of damage that their home suffered throughout the hardest of winter months until the temperatures return to favorable conditions and snowfall gets replaced with steadier rains. Even worse, the unfortunate way that most people learn about these vulnerable water penetration points in their roof or siding is when water can pour into their houses unabated.

Unfortunately, by the time that you begin to recognize that something is amiss, flood damages have already affected your Farmington home. With the far reaches of water damage, this is not something that even a skilled homeowner can adequately handle on their own. There are risks associated with failing to remove all the moisture and dampness common to flood damages, and the only way to ensure you do is to hire professional restorers.

Our SERVPRO professionals can respond quickly to your call and work to start removing the present water in your home right away. From portable pumps and wet-vacs with extraction wands to more massive truck-mounted pumps from our fleet, we have multiple options when it comes to removing the water quickly. While extraction is a critical component of this restoration process, drying efforts hold an equally valuable place in the procedure.

When it comes to ensuring that the affected areas of your home get thoroughly dried, several pieces of equipment often get used. This process is so essential because lingering moisture and dampness are natural breeding grounds for mold and microbial growth. Through devices like our SERVPRO injectidry system, cavities and hard to reach areas get the air they need to dry entirely.

As challenging as flooding in your home might be, especially when it comes from the attic space, there is nothing that our SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville water restoration professionals cannot help you to overcome. We can respond quickly with the tools and personnel to get the job done right. Give us a call anytime that you need us at (952) 846-4400.

Failed sump pump leads to ground water loss.

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

After a failed sump pump, water will try to make its way into the home any way that it can. Many times it will come through many different areas of the basement bringing in dirt or other contaminants. Whether it be from a backed up sump pit or through cracks in the foundation water will follow the path of least resistance and find it's way inside.

In this instance, after the extraction of water, a film of dirt covered the floor and required extra cleaning in order to get things back to normal.

After a pressure wash and drying equipment, we were able to get this unfinished basement clean and dry.

Don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville at (952)846-4400 for all of your storm related needs.

Spring flood damage in your Farmington home

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Help to Save Your Hardwood Floors after Flood Damage
Most people look forward to the end of winter in Farmington and the warmer weather that follows. We must, of course, remember that along with spring rainstorms, melting snow, and warm sunshine, there is an increased threat of flooding. It is all part of spring in the Midwest. Damage from flooding in the spring can be costly and extensive for you as a homeowner. If you have lived here for a while, you are probably aware of any flooding dangers that are possible.

These things sometimes, unfortunately, take you by surprise, and then your Farmington home is underwater. If this happens to you, the flood damage that occurs can be quite overwhelming, but it is not the time to hesitate. The water needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible to prevent even more damage, and to do this you need professional help. Our staff at SERVPRO are trained and experienced in flood damage, and we can help you anytime you need.

We do not hesitate to get to your home once you contact us. SERVPRO IICRC certified technicians are trained to know the moisture effects on different materials and how to dry them properly, including your wood flooring. Permanence and exposure time are two of the major variables that determine how much damage is done to affected materials. Permeance refers to how quickly water vapor goes through a material, and exposure time refers to how long material was in contact with the water.

Wood naturally contains moisture but expands when it absorbs extra moisture. The boards can warp and expanded boards can push against one another. Buckling at the joints where the boards meet or at the walls can occur because of this. How much buckling happens depends on how much moisture is absorbed and what kind of wood it is. Warping and buckling can be permanent after the wood finishes drying. Floors have to be replaced if the right drying and refinishing cannot get rid of the damage.

Cupping and crowning can also occur. Cupping happens when the water is absorbed from the sides and bottom of the wood. The edges slightly raise or cup. Many times, it can be sanded out. Crowning happens when the top of the wood holds more moisture than the bottom and sides. It can make the wood arch, making a bowed shape in the middle. It usually happens with the bottom of the wood is over-dried.

SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville knows how to handle your wood flooring in your home in Argonne, Orchard Garden, or Deer Park. Giving us a call at (952) 846-4400 as soon as the flood damage has happened is the best thing to do to prevent additional damage.

Storm damage

8/31/2020 (Permalink)

Storm Damage in Burnsville


Rain water came in through the foundation of a Burnsville townhome this Summer. This happens frequently as maintenance is often ignored around a sagging foundation. 

Many times we will come across a property that has sustained ground water from the outside foundation due to sagging dirt near the foundation. This causes the water to accumulate and run backwards into the home. 

Many times this is avoidable if you maintain the correct grade near the foundation and make sure it is sloping downward away from the home or building.

If you have an issue with groundwater, please call SERVPRO of Burnsville /Lakeville at (952) 846-4400.

Securing Restoration Services After Flood Damages To Your Farmington Home

12/30/2019 (Permalink)

Among the most pressing of natural disasters that could affect your home, flood damages in Farmington rank highly on the list. More than their devastating power and widespread potential damages, flooding can occur from inside of your home as well as from external sources. Preventing this occurrence from happening is not always possible, but what is possible, is securing the right restoration team like SERVPRO to help you overcome the damages that result.

Our technicians work to respond quickly to every emergency so that your home does not suffer worse conditions than are already present. In instances of flooding throughout the community, ensure that you are reaching out to our team as quickly as possible to secure our services. Other homes and commercial properties are also going to seek out professional assistance, and though we strive to respond quickly to all potential clients, a faster reaction time can assure a prompt response from our emergency team. 

Flooding is something that no homeowner is ever fully prepared to face. With the widespread damages that often result, you need a team of professionals that can assess the situation quickly and get to work on preserving your home and starting the restoration process as soon as possible. You can count on our SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville restoration technicians to do just that. Give our emergency response team a call 24/7 at (952) 846-4400

Storm Damages Can Allow Flooding In Your Farmington Home

5/27/2018 (Permalink)

When flooding occurs after a storm or other disaster, a quick call to SERVPRO can summon trained technicians to get your home dry and livable again.

Team SERVPRO First Focuses on Water Extraction After Flood Damage in Your Home

Storms are something that every Farmington homeowner dreads, as many severe weather systems can roll through this region without much warning. While many homes in the area get constructed to withstand natural threats like excessive snowfall and torrential weather, the right conditions could allow for storm damages that impact your home in unforeseen ways.

Something as simple as a tree falling over or losing its branches could have disastrous effects on your house. Under the right circumstances, these same holes or gashes resulting from the fallen tree could allow water to enter your home unabated. The resulting flood damages to your Farmington residence surely require the experience and skill set of a professional restoration team, and fortunately, you always have highly qualified restoration specialists just a phone call away.

Once water has access to the interior of your home, one passing storm could leave high volumes of water for you to face. Once our SERVPRO team arrives, we get to work quickly on helping you to limit further damages by assessing the problems the structural damage caused by the storm. If this damage is too severe for the abilities of our technicians, reconstruction or repairs must occur before our restoration team can begin the process of removing the water and lingering effects from the affected areas.

Extraction is a large part of this process, especially if the water is pooling in specific areas. Once this process gets completed with portable pumps and wet-vacs, our technicians can get to work on drying the remaining moisture and dampness. In flooding situations, often air movers and dehumidifiers are not enough. Specialized equipment can help us to reach into ceilings, in between walls, underneath floors, and many other areas that are challenging to access with our conventional tools of the trade.

While no homeowner wants to contend with the damaging effects of a flood in their home, SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville is here to help. You can trust in the experience and dedication of our water damage restoration specialists. Give us a call anytime you need us at (952) 846-4400.

Click here for more information on the city of Farmington.

The Right Professionals for Flood Damage in Your Farmington Home

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Even if you take preventative steps, there are often too many variables that come with flood and storm damage. SERVPRO is here to restore your home.

SERVPRO is Here to Reverse the Effects of Flood Damage on Your Home

You might not realize this, but your Farmington home is not ready for potential severe weather and natural disasters. Even with those that take significant steps with preventative measures for the possibilities that exist for disasters like flooding and storm damages, there are often too many variables to completely protect your home. Furthermore, as your home ages, many of these preventative measures age and fail to be as effective as they once had been.

The result can be flood damage to your Farmington home, which can be an overwhelming and traumatic event for your entire family. It is especially painful if the affected area is home to many of your keepsakes and essential items you had stored. High volumes of water can threaten valuable contents in your house. When you are facing a water emergency like this, SERVPRO is going to be there to help.

Our team works quickly to prevent the problem from getting worse by focusing on extraction. Using pump trucks from our fleet or a combination of portable pumps and vacuums, our team pulls water from the flooded area as expediently as possible. Getting rid of the pooled liquid can keep structural elements that are currently unaffected from being weakened by the expanding water reaching new areas.

Drying is an essential aspect of our restoration process. The SERVPRO team uses a combination of air movers and dehumidification equipment to dry out all of the remaining moisture thoroughly. Thermal imagery can show the technicians areas they cannot see to better visualize the extent of the water damage and the success of the drying efforts.

Locating the source of the flooding is also a critical component to the restoration process, as this prevents future incidents of a similar nature. Repairs can occur on site for vulnerable foundations and cracks or holes that get identified through this inspection. Sealing up weak points in the foundation with hydraulic cement can keep further water from getting in and protect your home through the next severe weather event.

Flood damage might seem overwhelming and costly, but with our IICRC industry certified technicians, you can trust that your home can get restored back to the way it used to be. If you are amid a water emergency, call SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville today at (952) 846-4400.  

Click here for more information regarding Farmington.

Cleaning Upholstery after Flood Damage in Farmington

12/24/2017 (Permalink)

Flood damaged homes stand to benefit a great deal when you bring a certified damage remediation company into the picture. Contact SERVPRO asap.

Our Trained SERVPRO Technicians Evaluate and Assess Your Flooded Home Before Formulating an Action Plan to Remediate the Damage

It is possible for floods to develop in Farmington without you, as a homeowner, realizing it, such as flash flooding. They take just minutes to occur after a heavy rainfall, or a levee or dam break. Such flooding is especially dangerous not just because of the water volume and speed, but also because the water has plenty of debris and rocks in it.
Floods can cause a great deal of flood damage to your Farmington home, which can be quite overwhelming. You need the assistance of a professional flood damage remediation company such as SERVPRO. We move quickly once you contact us to get your home dry and clean again, so it is safe for you and your family.
When your home gets flooded, one major thing we restore is furniture. Several problems occur when water affects upholstery including swelling, color bleeding, water spots, and mildew growth.
Swelling can cause the wooden framing of the furniture to crack. The framing joints weaken from the swelling as well, plus water could cause glues to break down. Fabrics which are dry clean only can spot from the water, and the whole piece of furniture could require wetting to avoid permanent water lines.
Dust covers many times bleed when they get wet, and if the cover sags, it can stain flooring and carpeting. The metal backing on buttons rust, causing more staining, plus wooden furniture legs can stain carpeting. SERVPRO techs use the method of rapid drying to prevent mildew growth using dehumidifiers and air movers to lessen the drying time of upholstered furniture.
We treat any furniture stains we find and wet the whole piece if necessary. We also extract the furniture when needed with the right extractor and an upholstery tool. Zippers and buttons are dried to avoid the rusting of the metal, and we put waxed paper between the cushion and zipper to stop rust from transferring.
We also place furniture pads around the metal buttons to avoid rust transfer. Cushions are tented, and we put air movers and dehumidifiers where they are needed.
When you call SERVPRO of Burnsville/Lakeville for help cleaning up your flood-damaged home, we take special care with your upholstered furniture that was affected. If you reside in the areas of Orchard Garden, Argonne, or Burnsville, give us a call anytime you need at (952) 846-4400.

For more information regarding Farmington, click here.

Factors to Consider When Assessing Flood Damage in Farmington Homes

10/20/2017 (Permalink)

Our technicians help you deal with all aspects of flooding from the initial inspection and insurance paperwork to reconstruction of your home.

SERVPRO Technicians Assess the Damage After a Flood and then Proceed With Drying Out Your Property

Floods continue to pose a serious threat for many Farmington homeowners. Indeed, statistics suggest that flooding is getting worse over time, both in terms of the frequency of the floods and the damage being sustained. Since flood damage control strategies often require a massive diversion of resources, it is preferable to assess whether the efforts justify the resources expanded.
If you are looking for quick and immediate flood damage restoration services in Farmington, look no further than SERVPRO. We have a dedicated team of IICRC-certified technicians who are ready to respond swiftly to your emergency. Our actions are meant to restore your property to preloss conditions as best as possible, "Like it never even happened."
There are several factors to consider when assessing flood damage. While pricing, policy cover, operational, and policyholder-led requirements are essential, the goal is to focus on high-level restoration activities. The recovery approach we take has an impact on cost and consumer satisfaction.
Several variations are involved to ensure the best solution is provided. SERVPRO flood damage restoration experts must maintain an understanding of the materials used in the construction of the building, and how they react to water damage. We also consider any defects that may contribute to secondary damage.
The interaction between the surface components and subsurface flow parts plays a significant role in the initial flood damage. Damage characteristics vary, for instance in the extent of the structural failure of buildings. Weather-related flooding usually comes with intense wave action and is often polluted. SERVPRO technicians must consider the type of flood damage in play, including clean, black and gray water damage.
Older people are more susceptible to floods than young, mobile people. In responding to emergency situations, SERVPRO technicians prioritize safety over everything else. After ensuring that the area is evacuated, we consider whether it is necessary to move out the affected items to another location for restoration.
If you are stuck in a flood damage situation, SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville is here to help. From repairing the damage and clearing the mess to collaborating with loss adjusters and your insurance company, our comprehensive services are designed to take away the stress and help get your life back to order in no time. Call us today at (952) 846-4400.

For more information regarding Farmington, click here

SERVPRO - Lakeville Flood Damage

7/18/2017 (Permalink)

Eliminating the effects of flood damage in a Lakeville home requires experience and expertise.

Flood Damage Can Happen In The Lakeville Area

Removing standing water is only the beginning to try and protect a home after a failed appliance, broken pipe or a rusted-out water heater. Just a half-inch of water across a room can result in thousands of dollars in restoration costs. It is necessary to draw out the moisture which has penetrated the building materials.

Eliminating the effects of flood damage in a Lakeville home requires many tools and techniques. SERVPRO’s technicians are trained to use them to draw out moisture from the walls and ceilings of a home.

Adjusting airflow is one of the techniques we use. The primary tool paired with airflow is the air mover. To force air in and moisture out of a wall, a technician points the air mover at a 45-degree angle to the affected surface. This angle pushes air over the wall, carrying away moisture without letting the air bounce back, which is much less efficient.

If our SERVPRO technicians find water trapped behind a wall, we pair an air mover with a ventilation hose to increase ventilation. Depending on the amount of water, it may be necessary to drill several holes in the wall. We do this at the baseboard, so when we finish, it is a simple matter to patch the hole and then replace the baseboard so the homeowner cannot tell where we drilled.

To dry ceilings, we set an air mover against a wall and point it upward. The airflow strikes the ceiling and spreads out, which circulates the warm air that naturally rises and draws out moisture. In rooms with a drop ceiling (a converted garage for instance), technicians remove several panels at opposite ends to increase airflow.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Drying your home after water has spread across it is not a quick process, but SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville has the tools and knowledge to make it a simple one that we walk you through at each step. If you have had failed plumbing recently or in the past, contact us today at (952) 846-4400 for an inspection and free estimate. We are here to help.

For more information regarding the city of Lakeville, click here.

Summer Showers Overwhelm Your Sump Pump System in Lakeville

6/28/2017 (Permalink)

Even the best sump pumps can only keep up with minimal flooding. Once the water starts coming in rapidly, call SERVPRO to dry your basement.

Our Customized Plan Deals Quickly with Flooding on Your Property

Early summer rains over several days saturate the ground, forcing moisture into basements and walkout lower levels. Even if your home has a sump pump, it may not be up to the task of removing relentless incursions of water. Rely upon SERVPRO to take over the water extraction tasks, and then move on to restore the damage done by the moisture.
Recent storms dumped many inches of rain south of the Minnesota River, causing flood damage to your Lakeville home. The sump pump system installed became clogged with debris and then failed when high winds knocked down power lines nearby. We step in when your best-laid plans go awry, offering solutions that only a full-service disaster restoration company delivers.
Fast moving storms race in from the Dakotas, bringing rain and winds that challenge the power grid. SERVPRO begins pumping and extracting water using truck-mounted equipment not dependent upon local electrical services, a great relief to you and your family. Once the water exits your basement or walkout lower level, our crew changes up the equipment, positioning air movers and dehumidifiers to reduce the moisture content of your home’s structure and interior air fast.
The trained technicians at SERVPRO assess the walls and floors of your basement, looking for areas where building materials show signs of failing. Cinderblock usually dries out well, but we search for areas within where pockets of water collect and use strategies to release that water, including drilling holes for drainage or extracting from the top. Carpeting responds well to drying in place if done as soon as possible after the flood. Padding fares less well, but we remove and replace it at a reasonable cost, and pulling it up allows us to direct air under the carpet for faster drying. If wet for a brief period, drywall survives using moisture reduction techniques, but replacement is standard if the fibers begin to crumble.
SERVPRO helps you inventory and evaluate the condition of items stored in the basement. We use a staging area on your property, often a garage or covered porch, to determine whether any documents, pictures, or other keepsakes need special attention. It is essential to successful drying of this type of property that the contents of boxes and storage boxes be reviewed quickly. You work with the team to decide what items receive freeze drying or other treatments our staff provides for papers and photos.
Flood damage takes you by surprise, but SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville has the certified staff to manage all aspects of recovery. Call us immediately after the water rushes in at (952) 846-4400 to schedule an assessment.

For more information regarding Lakeville, click here

Spring Brings Flooding in the Minnesota Valley

4/26/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding can be devastating. Call SERVPRO to quickly come out and remediate.

SERVPRO's Technicians are Equipped to Remove Water From Your Flooded Property

The course of the Minnesota River frequently threatens the surrounding area with flooding. Residents in the area stay aware of the possibilities of water encroachment to protect their homes, particularly during the spring. If waterways near your home rise past their banks and move toward your dwelling SERVPRO needs to be your first call.
Surviving flood damage near the river in Burnsville demands a quality water restoration company by your side. The geography features low-lying areas below soaring cliffs. The area is beautiful but sometimes threatens watery danger as this tributary to the MIssisssippi River makes its way to the confluence. Never regret making this compelling landscape your home when we respond to unwanted water in your basement.
Usually, local authorities predict the rising waters and homeowners use a range of methods to protect their property. If your strategy falls through and water enters your home, we arrive as soon as we can after your call to put the water in its place. SERVPRO has equipment matched precisely to local flooding issues. We use truck mounted submersible pumps and water extractors to move the water out quickly and completely. Remaining moisture decreases in quantity rapidly after we position powerful air movers and dehumidifiers in the previously flooded areas.
We stress that our services are most effective if we arrive as soon as possible after the waters flow into your lower levels. Water that stands for several days has the potential to support mold and other microbial growth. Flood waters from the river carry the risk of infectious waste brought from upstream, making speedy removal urgently important. Any fixtures and furnishings in your lower levels risk contamination when river flooding soaks them. Fast flood water removal gives you the best chance of retaining your possessions without the fear of unhealthy substances saturating them.
Our staff measures moisture levels with precisely calibrated instruments as we dry out your home, not leaving anything to guessing or chance. Only when the structure and contents reach recommended readings do we cease our efforts. We educate you about signs of secondary damage and urge you to contact us again immediately if musky smells or continued dampness signal that the water removal needs another boost.
Your local SERVPRO of Burnsville / Lakeville is your first defense against the flood damage the Minnesota River delivers. Call (952) 846-4400 to be certain a fully trained and equipped crew inspects and treats your home during flood season.